Amenities & Facilities

We do not give you just rooms to stay. We give you an environment so you can experience the best while on a holiday with us. Walk into our hotel and enjoy a refreshing, rejuvenating, day-off with us.


Get the best memories of your stay in SALIME ALKHOZAMA HOTEL with all the privileges and advantages, always available to your service.

Delicious Food

We have team chefs from across MOROCCO, so you can enjoy the delicacies anytime during your stay.

An Iconic Service

HOTEL SALIME ALKHOZAMA's staff sets you forth on an exquisite wellness journey to refresh, re-energize and rejuvenate at our iconic hotel, your welcoming home in MOROCCO.

Other Perks & Facilities

Looking for more? Well, we believe that every guest walks into our hotel for the best experience. And, we are determined to do that.

Event spaces & Well shared experiences.

Experience the MOROCCAN way of receiving your guests with atmost class.

Ocean View Terrace

Among the scenic beauty of LARACHE city we also have an ocean view terrace for every suite in our hotel.

In-house Restaurant

We have an in-house restaurant offering various kinds of MOROCCAN delicacies, made and served by the best chefs in town.

Plan an Unforgettable Experience in LARACHE City Today!

We can help you fit your stay and experience within your allotted budget.

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